Phone: 01234 326335 Email:
Welcome from the Head
I am extremely proud to be Head Teacher of Goldington Green Academy. I have a team of dedicated and caring staff who are committed to nurturing a strong relationship between staff, children and their families.
As a mother, I understand that choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you will have to make for your child. You want to know that your child will be happy at school but also to achieve their full potential in all areas across the curriculum. Read More
Current Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Supporting Parents Helpfinder (Young Minds)
Times are tough for many people right now. Parents find themselves pulled in many different direction and children may be struggling being in the house for so much longer than usual.
A mixture of concern about covid, work from home and children at home, along with a possible financial impact make for a stressful household.
Young Minds have created a useful 'Supporting Parents Helpfinder'. By answering six questions, parents can find out how to support their child's mental health during the pandemic (and beyond).
Find the help finder here:
If your child is self isolating, your child’s class teacher will send homework via email. Your child will also be able to access remote teaching and learning via ‘The Oak National Academy’. Your child’s teacher will direct you to the videos which will support your child’s learning.
Latest Risk Assessments
Archived COVID-19 Information For Parents
Goldington Green Academy Mission Statement
From the smallest seeds, to the tallest trees, always aiming higher;
‘Give, Grow and Aspire’
Value of the month
Ear piercings are permitted but only small studs may be worn which must be removed during all PE lessons sports activities. The jewellery remains the responsibility of the child if removed during the school day. The jewellery must be removed by the child themselves or covered with a plaster during PE & sports activities.
Large hair accessories / fashion items are not permitted and are not part of the school uniform. Long hair should be tied up.
Cherry Class have won the attendance award for week beginning 15th November with 99.2% attendance.
The non-school uniform day for them is Thursday 2nd December
Whole school Attendance is 96%
Please help us by completing this quick reading survey
Useful Links
Contact Us
Tel: 01234 326335
Goldington Green Academy School, Goldington Road, Bedford, MK41 0DP
Goldington Green Academy is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 08434141.