Ashanti News
Ghana Updates 2020

Ghana Updates December 2019

The children and staff of Gyetesia Primary School would like to wish all the staff, children and parents of Goldington Green Academy a very Merry Christmas. They would also like to say a massive thank you for all your support over this year.
Coconut class have made the children and staff Christmas cards to wish them all a very Merry Christmas on behalf of GGA.
We have purchased water bottles for all the children and a modem so that we can Skype our friends in Ghana in the new year.
Below is an honourable quote bestowed upon me from the children and staff of Gyetesia Primary School. I was very touched by this kind gesture.

We’re back! Ghana Trip 2019 Update

We also had an opportunity to visit the Elmina Castle to learn about the history of the slave trade in Ghana. This was a very informative and moving experience.
During our visit GGA was gifted a large piece of traditional woven Kente cloth, which will be used to make costumes for our future Ghana productions.
The communications between our schools have already improved greatly. In the new year we will be purchasing a modem so that we can Skype our twinned school. We will also purchase some locally sourced water bottles for the children.
Our friends at Gyetiase would like to thank you for all the support you have given them over the years. This has had a big impact on the development of their school. We are currently working towards building a new ICT suite to support the children’s learning.
Miss Heath and I travelled to Ghana to visit our twinned school Gyetiase Primary during the month of October. Our friends at Gyetiase welcomed us with open arms and made our trip very memorable. The trip was very successful and both of us gained a lot of experience and knowledge of Ghanaian culture and traditions.
We worked with class B5 (children aged between 13 and 15), and delivered lessons based on British and Ghanaian famous landmarks. The children had to identify the cities and towns in Britain and Ghana and correctly place them on a map they had produced. Another lesson was based on the children’s heritage. The children had to research their heritage through their families, tribes and clans.
Mr Hanson and his wife visited our school on our behalf and delivered an African drumming workshop. The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed themselves and learnt the history of the djembe drum. To our delight Mr Hanson purchased a set of drums for our twinned school.

The Mango Tree Clinic - Year 2
This was year two of our clinic in Gytiese, Ghana. For the most part we simply bandage cuts, burns & sores. Â When it gets complicated we go to the hospital in Mampong, a nearby town.
Hope you enjoy the slide show. View Slideshow
The Dadiese Women's Jewellery Group
Hope you enjoy the slide show. View Slideshow

Ghana Update June 2019
Below are some photographs of students new study desks for Gyetiase Primary School which is our twinned school in Ghana.
These desks were provided to the school from our Ghana fund raising activities that took place over the last academic year. In total there are 41 desks which were handmade by a local carpenter and two new black boards which were also sourced locally.
Our twinned school send the appreciation to everyone who supported this project to enable them to purchase these very useful resources.
Don’t be late and make it a date!
10th June – 2pm
Year 5 Ghana Production
The children and staff have been very busy preparing for their Ghana production titled: Grandma’s List!
Please come and join us and make this a memorable occasion for all.
Below are some photographs of a local artist Anne-Marie Stijelia who has also been busy painting the props for the performance

Ghana Update Autumn 2018
Celebrating 5 years of partnership......
This month we mark five years of our Partnership with Gyetiase Primary School! It has been a wonderful journey so far and we look forward to many more to come. Part of our partnership agreement is that we learn about each other’s culture, customs and tradition.
During the summer term our year 3 children performed the play of Kwajo and the Brassman’s Secret for their parents/carers and family members. The year before our children performed the story of Anansi and the Kings Drum. Our script was sent to our twined school to help them plan their production. I am pleased to tell you that the children of Gyetiase have completed their performance of Anansi and the Wisdom Box. Below are some images from the children’s production, which I am sure you will all agree looks fantastic!
In this new academic year will be looking at ways to improve our partnership. We will continue to update you about our partnerships development. Each year group will continue to raise money to improve Gyetiase school environment.
I would like to say a special thank you to the Customer Service Manager Tammy Bowen and the Community Champion Vicki Smith from the Tesco’s store in Cardington Road for donating lots of educational resources for our twinned school in Ghana. And thank you to all our children, parents/carers for your continued support and for helping to make a difference for our friends in Ghana. Â
Mrs Wilson