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We are a friendly, happy school,

where everybody is valued and where we all work hard to achieve our best.

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Macmillan Coffee Afternoon September 2024

On Friday 27th September, we supported the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon, a national charity event held each year.  Macmillan helps people with Cancer and their families.  Thank you for supporting this event and in particular those parents who spent their time producing such wonderful cakes; we raised in excess of £635.20 on the day.  We would also like to say a special thank you to members of the PTFA, parents and staff who helped to make the event such a success.


Please see our photo gallery below of the event.

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Welcome from the Head

I am extremely proud to be Head Teacher of Goldington Green Academy. I have a team of dedicated and caring staff who are committed to nurturing a strong relationship between staff, children and their families.

As a mother, I understand that choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you will have to make for your child. You want to know that your child will be happy at school but also to achieve their full potential in all areas across the curriculum.

Goldington Green Academy is a values based school. We are a friendly, happy school where everybody is valued and where we all work hard to achieve our best. Core values are promoted through all aspects of school life. Values which are essential to developing self-respect and regard for others and for making a positive contribution to society are discussed and explored with children in lessons, in assemblies and in everyday interactions. Values such as: respect; responsibility; tolerance; honesty; and cooperation, form part of our programme.


We encourage parents to 'talk the language' of values and to promote these at home, so that we all play a part in helping children to 'live the values'. You will find more about values by clicking the Values Education tab in the “About” section of this website.


Here at Goldington Green Academy we work hard to ensure that children receive the highest possible quality of education and care during their time here so parents can feel secure in the knowledge that the right choice has been made. On behalf of the governors and staff of the school, may I extend a very warm welcome to you and your child.


At Goldington Green Academy, we are particularly keen on making learning practical, interactive and, of course, fun! We want all of the children here to develop a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. Your child will be encouraged to develop the skills needed to work well with others as well as to self-motivate and work independently.


Our website gives you important information about the school and we hope that it will give you a 'flavour' of what the school has to offer. If you have any particular queries after reading it, please do not hesitate to contact us or drop in, we can normally deal with any enquiries straight away. If you would like to look round the school during a school day, to see what Goldington Green Academy looks like 'in action', please just ask, and we will be happy to show you around.


Mrs Skingsley


Grandparents Luncheon


Please help us by completing this quick reading survey

Its’s a Wrap! The introduction video is now live on the Summer of SEND webpage for everyone to see the amazing young people

Safeguarding Vision 

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How you feel matters

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Protecting children online.
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Parental Engagement Calendar Summer Term 2025.png

Parental Engagement Calendar Spring 2025

Parental Engagement Calendar Summer 2025


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Value of the month


Milk Splash

School Milk Arrangements

You may be aware that your child’s entitlement to free milk for children under the age of 5 under the UK Government’s Nursery Milk Scheme will stop from the September that your child moves into Year 1.

If you wish your child to continue to receive milk at school, you have the option to pay for their milk directly through our company supplier, Cool Milk. You will need to visit their website, as soon as possible and select “Register your child for milk here”, then follow the on-screen instructions to register. If you have any queries regarding your child’s registration, you will need to contact Cool Milk directly at or call them on 0844 854 2913.

If your child is over 5 and entitled to benefit based free school meals, school will fund the cost of their milk on your behalf. Please contact the school office if you think you may be eligible and would like your child to continue to receive milk.



Ear piercings are permitted but only small studs may be worn which must be removed during all PE lessons sports activities. The jewellery remains the responsibility of the child if removed during the school day. The jewellery must be removed by the child themselves or covered with a plaster during PE & sports activities.

Large hair accessories / fashion items are not permitted and are not part of the school uniform. Long hair should be tied up.


Magnolia Class have won the attendance award for week beginning 20th January with 98.4% attendance. 

The non-school uniform day for them is Friday 7th February.


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