Letters to Isabella 2024
To Isabella,
I'm Alicia I'm from the UK.
I'm doing wonderful! Thank you for keeping in contact with are school! We are delightful to know you have done your exams!
I'm sure you done well on your exams! I hope your research will lead you to great things! Like being able to write more books! I hope you had a good time on tv.
I hope your team does good in the league. Even if your team do not get to the finals or championship it will be fine because I am one million present sure they they done brilliant.
Love from Alicia !!!!!
To Isabella Namugabo
Have a good day!
Hi my name is Brooke! I hope you are having a good day. I think when you publish your book it will be an amazing book!
I hope you do well in your exams and you can pass it and get a good score on it.i”m sure your research is very fun and relaxing, and I think you will be great at doing research in the future and now.I hope you enjoyed your university party,i”m sure you will not need to restart your chapter and they would love it.
I hope you make a great story for chapter 2!I'm sure you won't need redoing for the 6th time!I'm sure you will be able to proceed to your 3rd paragraph.
I’m sure your television as role of,guest.I think they sent it as a surprise of kindness!You’re definitely
I think that you will nail your basketball team.I think you guys definitely will make it to championships ships and win the finals!I pray that you get into the second round.
With all of Goldington greens love we hope all goes well in Ghana and life,We hope you pass your exams,And win the basketball championships
Lots of love,All of GGA.
From Ernest Iterman
To Isabella
Thank you for writing/typing this letter to us, me, and 4 other people have typed a letter to you too.
GGA Is doing well, and the university you go to or used to go to is even better,
We have nearly finished Y3 and about to go to the next year group. I have been working really hard in Y3, even elsewhere! I’ve also started a new career as a Youtuber, and you can have an amazing career like I would be having!
You would be great as an author because I noticed in the letter you sent to GGA that you are working on a book, and maybe planning to publish it! Tons of people would buy the book so you can have more motivation to make more books! It is lovely to see you doing well on your book. Have a nice time!
From Ernest
To Isabella Namugobo
Hi my name is Harriet Anne Kay.
I hope you are all well.
We would all love to meet you!
When you publish your book it will be the most amazing book ever.
I hope you pass all of your exams.I hope you can publish your book and I bet lots of people will love to read your book. I hope all of us can see your book and enjoy it.I’m sure you will exams go well because of your intelligent
We are on our last week of school!
Lots of love all of GGA!
Dear Isabella,
Thank you for your latest letter very much. I’m doing very well in Goldington Green Academy.
Hope you got a good score in your exams and your book will be published. May I ask what is your book called and whats it about?
Your basketball club sounds cool and I bet you'll make it to the championship.
I’m sure your exams will go well and good luck.
From Mia

Letters to Isabella 2023

Year 4 write to Isabella

A special message from your sponsored child

Watoto Update Autumn 2018

On the last day of term the year 3 team raised over £99.00 for Isabella our sponsored child in Uganda. They sold samosas which was highly popular with all our families and staff.
We would like to say a massive thank you to all of our parents, children and staff that supported this fundraising event. The money raised will go towards Isabella’s education.
Letters from Isabella 2019

Letters from Isabella and Cedar class summer term 2017
Watoto is a holistic care programme that was initiated as a response to the overwhelming number of orphaned children and vulnerable women in Uganda, whose lives have been ravaged by war and disease. Sponsoring a Life, means that we are partnering with Watoto to rescue vulnerable children and women from poverty and destitution, restoring them to a life filled with hope and a future. There are some incredible stories of how lives have been changed because of the generosity of people just like you around the world.
Here at Goldington Green Academy we are proud to report that we have been sponsoring Isabella Namugabo since 2007 by fund raising across the school. The money raised helps towards Isabella’s education and health care. Isabella writes regularly to the children in Cedar class. Isabella’s letters are read out to all the children during Mrs Skingsley Monday morning assembly.

Letters from Isabella and Cedar Class Summer Term 2017