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Bedford Borough Local Offer

The online ‘SEN and Disability Guide’ is a joint venture between Bedford Borough Council, Bedfordshire CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum.

The user friendly website gives details of Bedford’s Local Offer and provides advice and guidance on a range of topics such as personal budgets, eligibility criteria for services, leisure facilities, leaving school, and it also displays information on health and education services within Bedford Borough.

Stakeholders who have provided information for the site are now working together to boost awareness of the new guide and to maximise its potential.

To view the website, visit

Like all children, every single child with Special Educational Needs is unique. At Goldington Green Academy, we make sure that we get to know our pupils really well, and work closely with their families to plan the very best support to help each pupil thrive in our school. We have experience of supporting children with a wide range of needs: Autism, communication and language difficulties, cognitive needs, specific difficulties such as dyslexia and visual or hearing impairments.

We also support pupils with difficulties such as ADHD or social, emotional and mental health needs. Our staff are well trained and skilled in using many support strategies and delivering programmes written by specialists such as the speech and language therapists.

We have an Inclusion Team who support children, including those with SEND, to ensure that their well being needs are met. This may be through group work or individual sessions.

We work closely with a range of specialists to make sure that the support is the very best it can be. We believe that all pupils can make good progress and be happy, if they are given the right support in the right environment

Our school has an Autism Provision

To get a place in this 12 place specialist provision, pupils must have an Education, Health and Care plan with Autism as a main need. We don’t allocate places, these are managed by the Bedford Borough SEND team and can be considered as part of your child’s annual review.


To secure a place, the request must be endorsed by one of the Bedford Borough Autism Advisory Teachers.


For more information, please contact the school SENCO, Mrs Sarah Sears,  or the Bedford Borough SEND team.



Bedford Borough Local Offer. Education Setting Information Form

Inclusion at Goldington Green Academy

Autism Books

All Cats have Asperger Syndrome  By Kathy Hoopman

All Cats have Asperger Syndrome

By Kathy Hoopman

This book talks about some of the traits that a child with Aperger’s may have. Uses photographs of cats to illustrate the concepts.

Different Like Me  By Jennifer Elder

Different Like Me

By Jennifer Elder

This book explores a range of inspirational individuals who have achieved highly in their field. Many famous names feature, all of whom have Autistic spectrum conditions.

I am utterly unique  By Elaine Marie Larson

I am utterly unique

By Elaine Marie Larson

A bright and colourful book aimed at younger children which celebrates the great things about children with Aspergers.

My Brother is different  By Louise Gorrod

My Brother is different

By Louise Gorrod

A simply presented, child friendly book designed to explain Autistic spectrum conditions to  a child’s siblings.

Everybody is Different  By Fiona Bleach

Everybody is Different

By Fiona Bleach

A guide for older KS2 + children to help siblings understand their brother or sister with Autism.

The Blue Bottle Mystery  By Kathy Hoopman

The Blue Bottle Mystery

By Kathy Hoopman

This is an adventure story presented in short chapters which  is presented from the viewpoint of a child with Asperger’s.

Special Education Needs Policy

Special Education Needs

If your child has special educational needs it is sometimes difficult to know who to ask for support.

Please contact  SENDco on 01234 326335


At Goldington Green we are recognised as an Inclusive school where all children are included and supported, ensuring that their individual needs are met.

We have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark in recognition of this.


Download: SEND Inclusion Policy 

Send Matters

Christmas Sensory Survival Kit

External links

Please note these are external links and we are not liable for their content


This section has some helpful websites to look at for ideas and tips. If you have any worries or questions  please do speak to your child’s class teacher , Inclusion Manager, Educational Needs Co-ordinator.

Click below for information about the new Special Needs Legislation September 2014


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