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The aim of French in Key Stage 2 is to introduce life-long language learning skills which will support children in their further education.


We develop enthusiasm for French and provide children with a range of opportunities to apply their skills both in class and their wider school life.


We strive to provide specialist French teaching at GGA with a number of our staff members having taken additional training to deliver this subject.


We cover the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Children learn through games, songs, French texts and practical activities such as role play. 


Children are discretely taught the relevant French grammar alongside their vocabulary learning and are given opportunity to apply this in a range of contexts.


Whilst French is the language we have chosen to deliver we are a diverse school and celebrate all languages spoken by our pupils.


Children at GGA enjoy French and leave us with a very solid foundation in the language which sets them up very well to flourish in languages in their further education.


The use of specialist teaching ensures that our pupils have access to hear high quality  spoken French which in turn supports their own confidence in speaking the language.

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