
Social Media
Vodaphone Online Safety
Vodaphone provide some free advice for parents about digital and online safety. Click here to view it.

Live My Digital: Learning about digital living, together
The Girls' day School Trust has created 'Live My Digital', a unique video series to help parents help their children to stay safe online. The series consists of six short films for parents and six matching films for children to empower families to use social media safely and responsibly.
The videos look at the ways in which the internet and digital technology can be used positively by young people as well as identifying the potential issues they may face. The most critical themes in online safety today are covered including:
- Cyberbullying
- The digital footprint
- Identity and self-esteem
- Relationships and grooming
- Security and privacy
- Sexting
We hope that the films, together with the downloadable online safety factsheets, will help encourage and support open discussions in your family about how to enjoy the online environment whilst staying safe.
At Goldington Green Academy we teach all the children and advise their adults on how to be safe online.
All our pupils learn about keeping safe on line through the curriculum . If you would like any advice about e safety please visit the child exploitation and online protection unit website www.ceop.police.uk.
Safe Searching online
If children use Google as a search engine they can accidentally stumble across inappropriate images. Since they are often called something innocent they will pop up when children do legitimate searches.
In school we do not allow children to use Google despite our very tight filters. These search engines, such as Safe search are safer alternatives especially when searching for images as they are designed for children.
Please always supervise your child when they are online as even ‘safe searches’ cannot be 100% guaranteed.